I was made for sunny days

There are few things in this world that I truly, truly love with all my heart.  (emphasis placed on things as opposed to people).  A few of them would include coffee (duh), good books, music, laughter, and experiences that stretch you in your understanding of life.  Even though I am exhausted after this past weekend, I look back and see that I had all of these things and it makes my heart swell with love and unbelief that I get to live this life.
If you talked to me at all last week, you would know that I was pretty stressed out.  In terms of school work I had two papers due and a midterm.  Plus I was putting together final details for the worship portion of the University Ministries Women’s Retreat we had Friday into Saturday.  I was busy and stressed and probably took it out on those closest to me (sorry Hil!)
But Friday night came and after everything had gone like a roller coaster of good and bad, I sat down at the piano and looked out at the room of about 60 undergrad women and I felt extremely blessed and in awe of the fact that I got to be a part of this weekend.  Our theme was “Becoming Unbound” and our focus was on how to step into the freedom of Christ and become unbound.  Worship didn’t go perfectly but it went well and I was stretched.  I had never led worship before and I’ve learned a few things which is always good.  It was a great experience and it was really amazing to hear all the women’s stories of where they are at in this journey of stepping into the life that God has created for us.
I came home from the retreat on Saturday early evening and walked into a transformed apartment which was being prepped for our Halloween party.  Soon enough the whole apartment was buzzing with music, dancing and laughter.  It was a great time and I got to see sides of people that I haven’t seen before.  I really enjoyed this time with my seminary friends and I laughed more that night than I have in a long time.
However, I did have to leave the party early in order to make it to the WEEPIES CONCERT!  A few good friends  had driven up from Kansas City to attend with me and it was amazing.  It was just a really good show by one of my favorites artists.  They told stories and laughed and played from their hearts.  I even bought a t-shirt with whales on it…so fun!
Sunday was a day of paying the piper though.  I had to get reorganized, do laundry and think forward to the week ahead – plus clean up the massive mess left from the party.  However I did it all in the company of my lovely newest roommate Hilary and that made everything feel so much better.  Next blog is gonna be all about her, she’s fantastica!
So that was my weekend.  God had truly blessed me in my life here in Chicago.  I stand in awe at all the ways he’s provided for me everything I wanted and needed but couldn’t put words to.

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