I'm old but I'm not that old, I'm young but I'm not that bold

I’m taking a little bit of a break from my busy week to update this little corner of the internet.
In the midst of preparations for Advent and Christmas Eve, I’m realizing that I haven’t really gotten much chance to enjoy the recent truth that I have a call.  I have been called as a Pastor.  For so long I’ve lived in temporary terms.  As a teenager, as a college student, as an intern, as a seminary student, as an interim – just filling in.  I’ve been waiting for so long to finally know where I was going to set down roots.  I’ve been dreaming of picking out an apartment, furniture, setting up my desk and find a new normal.
And while yes, some of those things are still in my near future, it looks different.  It looks different because I’m getting to stay at this amazing little church that I’ve been at for a year and a half now.  So a new routine – not necessarily.  Plus the call came in the middle of Advent – the craziest season for those of us called to work in the church.  It came in the midst of budget reports, staff evaluations and retreat planning.
But it is joyous news all the same.  As of January 1st, I will be Pastor of Children, Families and Administration in my little corner of the world.  So here we go.

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