the search for great coffee pt 3

Yes, I realize it’s been two months since I have actually posted an update on this topic, however…life has been moving at warp speed lately so I have had a hard time actually getting out of my neighborhood.  However, this week my lovely roommate, Roomsmate, was craving hot dogs so we went out to Lincoln Park to a Chicago Hot Dog place that she had heard about and while we were in the area I convinced her to let me stop in at a coffee shop on my list.
So I got to go into Darkcloud: Urban Coffee Lab which was ranked at #10 on the list.  First of all the name intrigued me most of all.  Then I walked in, expecting a dark and dingy lab basement and found all white alls and clean.  It was definitely not what I had expected.  I stepped up to order and being that it was about 7 or 8 pm on a Saturday night, I was the only person there.  The workers were really nice and super friendly.  They also brew by the cup and it is a very interesting brew process.  A quote from my list’s description sums it up nicely, “Coffee fiends will want to drop in to taste the supremely subtle, nuanced results of the Siphon—a two-chamber glass implement that brews coffee via heat-powered vacuum—but others might find the excessively deliberate coffee methods here a tad too precious.”
I found that the coffee had nice flavor and wasn’t too bitter.  Overall I think I would go back there, but the atmosphere would not be right for a study place.  But maybe if I just wanted a quick cup of coffee on the way to the zoo or something in that area.

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