It’s overcast today. Pretty dark outside – the kind of day that makes you want to crawl back into bed rather than work.
I’m also working on a sermon today on Creation and Christ’s role in Creation. So I’m waist deep in some muddy Greek talk about Colossians 1:15-20. I’m in the trenches with this Greek scholar, making my NT professor from Seminary proud. I’m trying to put in the work.
Simultaneously, our Worship Director is practicing songs for Sunday morning. The same songs that will be surrounding my sermon. And in this building without real ceilings to keep sound in, I can hear him practice even though I can’t see him.
We picked the songs in our meeting on Monday, I knew that they would correspond well with the topic that I’m preaching on. And yet I’m still shocked, as he sings the words and I hear the praise rise to the deserving firstborn over all creation.
It’s a powerful moment to stop and think of the significance of our Savior standing before creation, existing before any of this existed. Creating the world out of love for his people, love for us. And then his coming to earth to love for us, to die for us. It’s an amazing act of sacrifice and love that he was pleased to do (Col 1:19).
Which begs the question, how do respond to this love? Are we serving our purpose as creation to worship the Holy One?