It's A-maize-ing.

So I’ve started to volunteer with C4 (which is actually supposed to be like C to the 4th, exponant style). Don’t ask me what it stands for cause I can’t ever remember, but what you need to know is that it is the youth group type night for the 5th and 6th graders at my home church. We meet twice a month and have some great times. Last friday we went to a corn maze up in Erie, CO for some fall fun. It was awesome. no it was beyond awesome! Seriously, it was so fun just running around the maze in the pitch black darkness with the kids. Total successful outing.
Let’s just throw in some quotes in here…
5th grade girl: “Alicia, you’re gonna be cold”
Me: “No I’m not, I’ve got my puffy vest on, it’s the warmest thing EVER!”
her: “but what about your arms”
Touche 5th grader, Touche….
5th grade boy: “Alicia, can I be in your group?”
Me: “Of course! but it’s probably gonna be all girls, so you might want to go with one of the boys.”
him: “It’s alright, I just wanna be with you.”
Then my favorite, said by one of the moms that joined us. Said after we have been immersed in the maze for about a half an hour, while looking at the map and planning our route.
“WAIT! We’re on the black lines? I thought we were in the white part!”
Then a response by a 5th grade boy: “No, that’s the corn.”

3 Replies to “It's A-maize-ing.”

  1. hahaha, oh alicia, if you only knew how much i miss hanging out with you while helping out with kids. good times. I love c4, cool to hear that you're helpin out with that

  2. Before I go back and check out the clip, I have a puffy vest quote too! — From my former manager at work; she's in her fifties and one of the cutest people ever. She said this just after asking me what kind of leggings are appropriate nowadays."I want to wear a vest like yours…Only I'd want sleeves. Which would take away the whole point."

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